Collection: Bones for cats

When feeding raw bones to cats, it's essential to consider both the benefits and appropriate sizes for a safe and healthy experience:

Benefits of Feeding Raw Bones to Cats:
  • Raw bones provide biologically-appropriate nutrition in the proper ratios for cats.
  • Chewing on raw bones can help clean a cat's teeth naturally, reducing plaque and tartar buildup.
  • Raw bones can provide mental stimulation and keep cats busy.
  • Feeding raw bones can help prevent obesity in cats by promoting healthy chewing behavior.
  • Cats have a strong instinct to chew, and raw bones can satisfy this natural behavior.
  • Supervision is crucial when feeding raw bones to cats to prevent choking hazards.
  • Never give cooked bones, as cooked bones splinter and can cause harm.Β  Always feed raw bone
Guidelines for Selecting Appropriate Bone Sizes:

  • Choose bones that are large enough that your cat cannot swallow them whole.
  • Bones should be big enough that they cannot be broken into small, sharp pieces that could pose a choking hazard or cause internal injuries.
  • For smaller cats or kittens, opt for smaller bones like chicken necks or wings.
  • Larger cats may be able to handle bigger bones like turkey necks or ribs.
  • Always supervise your cat while they are eating raw bones to prevent any accidents.
  • Following these combined guidelines will ensure a safe and beneficial experience when feeding raw bones to your cat.

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