Collection: For Pets suffering with arthritis and joint issues

Signs of Arthritis in Pets

Arthritis is common in older pets, especially larger breeds. It affects joints, causing pain and discomfort. Here are key signs to watch for:

1. Reluctance to Move

Pets may avoid activities they once enjoyed, like jumping or climbing stairs.

2. Limping

Look for limping or favoring a leg, especially after rest.

3. Pain Response

Crying or flinching when touched can indicate joint pain.

4. Irritability

Chronic pain may lead to changes in behavior, including increased irritability.

5. Withdrawal

Pets may isolate themselves and show less interest in play or interaction.

6. Excessive Licking

Licking or chewing at joints can indicate discomfort.

7. Muscle Atrophy

Decreased activity may lead to noticeable muscle loss in affected areas.

If you notice these signs, consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and management plan.

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