Loving Our Pets: Feeding Them Nature’s Food
We are a family who loves our animals. We have been blessed with wonderful pets who have played a big role in rearing our daughter! Our first experience of raw feeding happened twenty-one years ago with our bullmastiff, Kismet.
For the first two years of her life, Kismet was plagued by health problems. The worst of these was a skin condition which would start as a rash and erupt into raw, open sores. After what felt like endless failed attempts with conventional veterinary treatments (antibiotics, cortisone) we were advised to put our gorgeous girl down and end her suffering. In desperation we searched for a holistic vet.
The problem was simple – food! The new vet told us to get her off pellets and onto real food – as nature intended her to eat. Her life was literally saved by switching her from an extremely expensive kibble/pellet dog food to the raw, real dog food diet. She lived a long, happy, and healthy life.

We became fascinated with this diet, and read everything we could get our hands on. All that we read confirmed our experience that feeding pets natural raw food – returning them to their species-appropriate ancestral diets – made for happier, healthier dogs and cats.
By the time Kismet left us (at a natural, ripe old age), we were completely convinced. So, when our new puppies came into our lives, we wanted to start off right.

We fed Satchmo, Kaesha, and later Mojo on food which combined raw meaty bones with a little bit of vegetables, fruit, and herbs from the day they came to us. The result was vigorous, playful pups with silky coats, white teeth, clean breath, and fantastic natures.

Seeing this, we switched our cat to raw food. What a change! She had been in our family for so long, and we had put her lethargy down to old age. But within two days, the results were clear.
Flat Cat became playful again, and soon her “inner kitten” was getting up to all sorts of delightful mischief! Her hair-shedding stopped, her eyes became clear, and her coat became shiny and soft.