Complete and Balanced Meals

A complete and balanced meal in raw feeding for dogs typically consists of the following components:

  • Muscle Meat (50-60%): Provides essential proteins and amino acids necessary for muscle development and overall health. Common examples include chicken breast, beef, lamb, turkey, and fish.
  • Raw Meaty Bones (10-15%): Serve as a natural source of calcium and phosphorus, crucial for dental health and bone strength. Suitable options include chicken necks, wings, and backs.
  • Organ Meats (10%): Rich in nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as minerals such as iron and zinc. Liver, kidneys, spleen, and heart are commonly included to ensure a well-rounded diet.
  • Vegetables and Fruits (20-30%): Offer vitamins, minerals, and fiber for overall health. Leafy greens, broccoli, apples (seedless), berries, and melon are excellent choices to incorporate into a dog's diet.
  • Supplements: Depending on individual needs, supplements like fish oil (for omega-3 fatty acids) and vitamin E may be added to ensure a balanced nutritional intake.

By providing a combination of these components in appropriate proportions, you can create a complete and balanced raw feeding meal that meets the nutritional requirements of your dog for optimal health and well-being.