Collection: Primal Pets


PRIMAL PETS (PTY) LTD prides itself on using A-grade ingredients, grown or sourced from the most reputable LOCAL farmers.These RAW and natural ingredients, mainly consisting of meat, bone and organ, that are uncooked, unprocessed and in its most natural form, are minced together in set ratios to ensure a complete and balanced diet for your average healthy dog.

All our products are FREE from chemicals, additives and preservatives and contain NO corn/maize/soy fillers! Our minced products are conveniently packaged into a 1kg casing, ready to be thawed and fed raw.


As caring and devoted dog owners, we know that one of the most crucial decisions you will make as a pet owner is what you choose to put in to your pets’ bodies. There is a direct link between the quality of food that you feed and your pets’ overall health, wellness and longevity.

Unfortunately, we had learnt this lesson in a painful way when we had both lost dogs to different forms of cancers growing up. Our dogs, β€˜Apachee and Ghost’, were on a commercial, 100% processed diet, consisting of dry kibble and wet canned foods. Our individual, rather traumatic, experiences had sparked our interest in alternative feeding options, which lead us to the RAW DIET.

We truly believe that the healthiest foods for both ourselves and our pets are those that contain no chemicals, additives or preservatives, and whose composition and goodness has not been altered by extreme heat.

We are both qualified in the Finance and Accounting fields respectively, but have chosen to persue our passion, being animal wellness and nutrition. We have had incredible success and feedback thus far and we look forward to making a difference in the lives of MANY more of our β€˜real’ clients, your loving pets!

56 products